The article discusses the problem of journalism ethics and the best ways to teach it. The author also rises the issue of principles of teaching journalism ethics which nowadays depends on the two its opposite components - traditional values and those ones which are changing almost every day. It is necessary to note that the writer admits that nowadays they not only teach without a consensus, they lack an ethics that provides adequate guidance for the many new forms of mixed media. Then he indrodeces for us new standarts for educators. Analyzing this part of the article, it is necessary to emphasize that all his principles he subdivides into 5 ones. The first standard is called "Start from the students' media world." Its main idea is to be experimental and discuss with students their experience and use of media. The second one "Assist students with reflective engagement" says to give perspective to students by examining previous revolutions in journalism and analyzing ethical situations. The next principle "Insist on critical thinking, not what is fashionable" is based on the theme of working against a tendency to dismiss principles simply because they are traditional and not trendy. There are also a lot of comment on the last two standads - "Be transitional" and "Be global in your teaching." It's an open secret that every teacher of journalism ethics should answer such questions as "How did it arise and what are its essential features?", " what extent do traditional principles apply today?", "What editorial guidelines are needed to address new situations, new quandaries?" and then examine how news organizations are constructing new guidelines on a range of problems -- from verifying citizen content to dealing with rumors on social media . There are also the signs in the last principle that students need to consider a global journalism ethics and ponder whether journalists need to adopt a more globally minded view of themselves.
Then, Stephen Ward expresses his point of view about revolutionizing character of journalism ethics instruction which includes the idea of what teaching should be - dialectical, holistic and Socratic.
In conclusion the author sums up all mentioned above and writes that he teaching should challenge, not discourage. Students should see the turmoil in journalism as an exciting intellectual and practical challenge to develop a more adequate ethics for a new global mixed media. He ends the article with the following idea "Only if we teach in this manner will we prepare journalists for the future and the changing technologies it promises."
Then, Stephen Ward expresses his point of view about revolutionizing character of journalism ethics instruction which includes the idea of what teaching should be - dialectical, holistic and Socratic.
In conclusion the author sums up all mentioned above and writes that he teaching should challenge, not discourage. Students should see the turmoil in journalism as an exciting intellectual and practical challenge to develop a more adequate ethics for a new global mixed media. He ends the article with the following idea "Only if we teach in this manner will we prepare journalists for the future and the changing technologies it promises."
Well done, but introduction and your view of the problem are not included in the rendering.
... on ITS two ... components
There IS a lot of comment ... etc
I agree with this article. A journalist's job is highly important and they must be responsible for every word they say and write. Journalists should report their news following the high standarts and ethical behaviour in the practice of journalism. The rest, who can violate journalism athics, should not be considered real journalists.