четверг, 5 июня 2014 г.

Chapters 28-29

  1. that she could be alone in the empty room one day
  2. she didn’t simply try to learn her play. She tried to imagine how this or that chatacter would behave, live and so on. It was a new adventure for her. Now she was going to be he Mrs. Marten who played golf and could talk to a man like one good chap to another.
  3. Julia spared herself because she believed she would give everything she could only on the stahge in the first night and as a result she didn’t have intention
  4. Julia gave advice towards Avice to Michael but he was not still sure in her. During on of her rehearsal Julia decided to train her role individually, every word, every gesture. After so haard work, Avice turned to be not so bad.
  5. She talked with Charles because she needed his advice
  6. In bygone years she had felt very nervous and uncomfortable. All fad before the first night because it was her first experience. But from the play to play, her feelings was gradually changing and now she was a real queen of the scene and the play and it didn’’t matter was in the main role or not. She just lived at the stage and enjoyed it fully
  7. she met Tom
  8. when she came in, all her feeling and emotions were rather confused. Many important things were connected with this room, with this man. But it was the time when she felt free and her love affairs was just the step and adventure in her life.
  9.  "I dare say there's something in what Roger said. Love isn't worth all the fuss they make about it" . she didn’t love him anymore and felt free
  10. for Julia it was the success while for Avice it was a catastrophe.
  11. Tom found Avice’s acting a rotten one.
  12. I think it was not revenge because she was indifferent and tht was all.
  13. as she didn’t want to share this triumph after the play, she decided to eat alone in her favorite restaurant
  14. she was without any make up because it was so unusual moment when she didn’t care about her appearance. She looked at herself at the mirror and thought about her life.
  15.  she was satisfied with her meetings with Tom because she realized her indifference towards him and she described their ex love affairs  "It was an amusing experience."
  16.  'All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.' 

Chapters 25-27

  1. She was not sure in her sez appeal after Charles didn’t want her
  2. She wanted to proov herself and find out also whether she was sex appel or not. Fir this purpose she made vulgar mae up and put the dress on which attracted attention and went for a walk/
  3. She noticed that the young man look and her and wanted too know it for sure. She pretended to ignore him, and stopped near the shop, seemed to be absorbed in her own thoughts but she knew that he followed her.
  4. no, the their acquaintance didn’t meet her expectations at all because it turned out that he simply wanted to take a autograph for his wife.
  5. he was too obstinate and his asked Julia for meeting with his wife too insistently.
  6. she realized that she was old
  7. Her great talent beced on her mimic proved that there was no need fto be sex appeal for being actress
  8. The Second Mrs. Tanqueray
  9. she considered to be it a new step in her life. It was amazing experience and a new adventure.
  10. The change of manners of this generation it had been treated from the standpoint of comedy.
  11. Michael began to doubt whether she would cope with this role or not. So, he decided to ask Julia what to do in this situation.
  12. She wanted to show Tom that she didn’t love him anymore and that’s why she din’t want to disturb Avice and she devcided to give her a role in this play. Because in case Avice wouldn’t get it, she said Tom and it was Julia’s doings. But Julia wanted to show her indifference to the couple and that she didn’t want to take revenge on them
  13. She wanted her son was proud of his own mother. However it was not a moter again, it was Julia’s other role which she played perfectly as usual.
  14. She wanted Julia has conversation with Roger about his future because soon he would graduate Cambridge and no one knew what he was going to do after that. For both Michael and Julia, the most unsuitable alignment that Roger would become an actor.
  15.  it was quiet uncomfortable for both of them to speak on his future. They were completely different so it was hard to find the point of conversation.
  16. it was something completely different and new for her to see him such – a man, not a young boy, who talk to her as equal, who expressed all he thoughts and feelings he had kept for many years
  17. he listened attentively to her mother’s story about her affairs with Tom and he didn’t approve this because of the age.
  18. for her it is not just nature but art. That’s why it’s necessary to show not only the truth but beauty
  19. when Michael came
  20. His suggestion about her and Tom

вторник, 27 мая 2014 г.

TASKS for Chapters 22-24

I. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases:
 to make a clean breast of sth – чистосердечно признаться в чем либо
to tear sb limb from limb перемывать кому-то кости,
 a sleeping-draught снотворное,
to and fro взад и вперед,
curtain calls - поклон,
pull oneself together - собраться,
magnanimous - великодушный,
to cramp one's style - мешать,
contrition - раскаяние,
a succinct account of sth краткое содержание,
a bereavement  тяжелая утрата,
an austere and snug little town аскетичный и уютный маленький город,
to adhere to sth –придерживаться чего-то.

VII. Answer the questions:
1.      Why couldn't Julie take her troubles to Charles or Dolly as usual?
She thought it was simply unfair to Charles and it would hurt his feelings once again. As fir Dolly, Julia knew that she felt jealousy and didn’t want to tell her about her troubles because the relationships were getting colder.
 2. How different was Charles's circle from that of Tom's? Charles was the representative of high society.
 3. Was Michael right when criticizing Julie's acting? I think he was right because in that situatuin Julia’s emotions overwhelmed her and she lost control.
4. How did Julie react to her husband's criticism? At first it was shocked by his criticize but that she realized that he was right.
5. How did the breakup with Tom influence Julie's attitude to Michael and Charles? Julia decided ti give a chance to Charles. At the same time she played more attention to her husband and realized that for the last several years she behaved in such a way he didn’t deserved. She felt guilty in some way.  
6. Why did Julie decide to spend the summer with her mother and aunt? She wanted to relazx and make up her mind.
7. What kind of lifestyle did Aunt Carrie and Mrs Lambert have? Fior Julia such life was quiet boring because every day was the same to another.
 8. How did the old ladies treat Julie? How did they feel about her occupation? They treat her well and with respect butt they didn’t’ approve of her profession and life style on the whole.
9. How did Julie imagine Charles's love for her? It was just another role for her, a little adventure which she didn’t take seriously.it was simply interesting for her to see Char;es’ reaction.

10. When in Paris, what did Julie mean when saying, "I feel like a queen returning from an exile?" She was happy to come back to her life style.

среда, 21 мая 2014 г.

Tasks for Chapters 19-21

I. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases:
an understudy - дублер,
 perfidy -измена,
wanton temperament – буйный, изменчивый темперамент,
to cut the date отменить назначенную встречу,
an American conjurer –американский иллюзионист,
to make a stab at acting in America –попытка сделать карьеру как актриса  в Америке,
 off the nail быть на веселе,
the R.A.D.A. – Королевская академия драмы,
in point of fact на самом деле,
insipid  безвкусный, пресный,
hard as nails в форме,
for toffee –ни за что,
be a sport будь человеком,
 to beat about the bush ходить вокруг да около,
to feel all in хорошо себя чувствовать,
to give the air не обратить внимание,
 to put one's foot down – иметь свое мнение

. IV. Answer the questions:
1. Under what circumstances did Roger get acquainted with? What kind of favour did he ask of Julie?
Tom got acquainted with Joan Denver while picking Jill and Joan after the showand then he asked Julia to give her a role.
2. Why did Julie feel she had lost Roger?
Although her life was full of different events and her career was still in the top, she began to feel that she had lost Tom because of his attitude and her own feelings. Sudeenly she realized that he didn’t need her at all as previously. 
3. How did Tom react to Julie's plans to take her play to New York?
He supported her idea to develop her career and put ut on the next step in America.
4. What kind of new acquaintances and connections did Tom make through Julie?
It was his first experience when he got acquaintance with many representatives of high society through Julia.
5. How did Julie receive Joan Denver? She received Joan Denver the moment she had taken her last call.
6. How did Michael hear about Avice Crichton? Through Tom.
7. Why does Maugham describe Julie's appearance at the Sunday night show as "beautifully timed?"
To prove how well known she was.
 8. What impression did Avice Crichton and her acting produce on Julie?
She made not good impressions at all, she didn’t’t know even how to act.
9. Why did it irk Tom to have to come back with Julie after the Sunday night show? He wanted to be at the party with Avice
10. What kind of relationship did Tom and Avice have?

He had strong feelings toward her, probably he even loved her while she obviously used him for her own purposes.

воскресенье, 18 мая 2014 г.

TASKS for Chapters 15-18

I. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases:
condescending letter – снисходительное письмо
pearl studs – жемчужные запонки,
peevish – возбужденный,
make head or tail of it – ничего непонимать,
fatuous irony – глупая ирония
to get back on sb – отделаться откого-то
song and dance – сцена, скандал, 
to spend a lot on green fees тратиться на аренду поля для гольфа,
despicable презренный,
to give sb a treat доставить кому либо удовольствие ,
to wheedle sb into –впутывать кого-то во что-то,
prudishness высокомерие
to take liberties with sb вести себя развязно с кем-то,
to grudge sb завидовать,
conspicuous очевидный,
to take the rough with the smooth стойко переносить превратности судьбы,
to have a joke up your sleeve держать шутку наготове,
to mortify sb – усмирять, 
 disconcerted –смущенный.

II. Explain the following metaphors. Who do they refer to?

·                     It won't hurt him to discover that I'm not all milk and honey. – This statement refers to Julia while she is thinking about Tom and revenge on him. She wants to prove that she is not weak willed.
·                     I'm not the woman to desert a sinking ship. – This metaphor is used by Dolly de Vries, during her conversation with Michael about his wife, Julia, and how her love affairs with Tom which could effect her career in the negative way.

II. Give a character sketch of Dolly de Vries. Pay special attention to the description of hr appearance: "Dolly de Vries was now a woman of sixty. …and a slight cockney accent revealed itself." Dwell on her relationship with Michael and Julia. How did she feel about Tom?

Mrs. de Vries was a widow, brie was a short stout woman with a fine Jewish nose and fine Jewish eyes, a great deal of energy, a manner at once effusive and timid, and a somewhat virile air. She had a passion for the stage. When Julia and Michael had decided to try their luck in London Jimmie Langton, to whose rescue she had sometimes come when it looked as though he would be forced to close his repertory theatre, had written to her asking her to do what she could for them. She had seen Julia act in Middlepool. She gave parties so that the young actors might get to know managers, and asked them to stay at her grand house near Guildford, where they enjoyed a luxury they had never dreamt of. She did not much like Michael. Julia accepted the flowers with which Dolly de Vries filled her flat and her dressing-room, she was properly delighted with the presents she gave her, bags, vanity cases, brooches; but Dolly’s generosity was due to anything but admiration for her talent. When Michael went away to the war Dolly pressed her to come and live in her house in Montagu Square, but Julia, with protestations of extravagant gratitude, refused in such a way that Dolly, with a sigh and a tear, could only admire her the more. When Roger was born Julia asked her to be his godmother. She had a big fortune, more than that she knew a lot of famous people. And Michael and Julia understood that Dolly could be usefull for them.

IV. Speak on Julia's reputation and talent. Do you agree that no one expects an actress to be a pattern of propriety?
There is no doubt that she was very talented and she played so many roles and has become famous thanks for her will and hard work but not appearance as usual.
V. Answer the questions:
1. Why did Julia offer Tom the money for servants' tips? Do you think she made the right decision?
It was her revenge on Tom because he didn’t pay attention on her while they were in Taplow. She understood well enough that it was very painful for Tom such remaidance about money, attitude to him as a servant.  
2. Did Julia manage to induce Tom to see her again after that?
Yes, she did.
3. Did Dolly believe that Julia didn't have a lover? Why?
No, Dolly didn’t believe that Julia didn’t have a lover.
4. Whom did Dolly finally decide to talk to about Julia's cheating?
5. Why did Dolly not confess to Michael that she suspected Julia of having a love affair?
Dolly had no proof.
6. Why did Michael suggest buying Dolly's share out?
He thought the woman could suffer from Julia’s broken reputation.
7. What was the reason for Dolly's desperate jealousy?
. She felt, loneyl and  unhappy.
8. How did Dolly try to convince Julia that Tom was not very discreet?
9. Why couldn't Julia fall asleep after the lunch with Dolly?
Because so many gossipis about her and Tom and their possible love affairs.  
VI. Summarize the events of chapters 15-18.
Without showing her feelings to Tom, she tries to bind him to herself. The actress knows he is a snob, so she let's him enter the high society. Tom is realy poor, thats why she showeres him with expensive gifts and pays off debts.
Julia forgets about her age, but on vacation Tom so obviously and naturally prefers to spend his time with her son, Roger, that it really hurts her. Julia has an argument with Tom, but she is so afraid to lose him that finally she does everything to make it up.

воскресенье, 13 апреля 2014 г.

TASKS for Chapter 14

I. Find in the text the following words and phrases and translate them into Russian:

on one excuse and another – то с одной,то с другой отговоркой, to confess to oneself – признаться кому-либо, that was all to the good – все что не делается-все к лучшему, shrewd - проницательный, vanity - тщеславие, to have an affair with sb. – иметь с кем либо интрижку, sallow - болезненный, to feel compassion for sb. – чувствовать к кому – либо сострадание, eminent persons – видающиеся люди, to lay no claims on sb. – ничего не предъявлять , to use all her arts of cajolery – использовать все свое умение льстить, stale food – несвежая еда, to overcome one's scruples – преодолеть сомнения, to find someone a trifle dull – находить кого либо немного скучным, to have no inclination – не иметь склонностей, a man of the world – человек с опытом, she was modest about herself – она была скромного мнения о себе, a smack in the face - пощечина, sulkily - сердито, Julia's heart was wrung – сердце Джулии екнуло, chivalrous courtesy – рацарская учтивость, a vile disposition – отвратительный нрав, alacrity - готовность, wistful - тоскливый, to act with great naturalness – играть очень естесственно, to make a scene – закатывать сцену, she was in a black rage – она была в праведном гневе, she'd get even with him – расплатиться с ним , to rack one's brains – думать над чем либо.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. Was Julia really in love with Tom Fennell? And he? Yes she was. At first, she tried yo deny it as much as possible but soom she found out that she really fell in love with this young man and that she was happy. It was very unexpected to her but at the same time it pleased her. As for him, it’s difficult to jidge about his feelings, probably he was too young and unexperienced for such strong emotion as love and he was only grateful for everything she did for him.
2. How old was Tom? What did he do? Why was he a success with women?
Tom was only 22 years old. Although he was not rich at all and can not afford many things due to his small income, he had a great success with woman and the main reasom is his youith and high sexapility. All women with whom he had relationshios (only sexual in fact ), were attracted by his charming youth.
3. How can you characterize Roger? Where was he educated? What were his relations like with his parents? Did he know what he wanted to be? Did he want to go on the stage?
Actually, there is nothing special about Roger and this circumstance disappointed his parents, especially Julia very much. His appearance was quiet ordnary  red hair, blue eyes – nothing from his handsome father. Furthermore, he did’t have such mimics as his mother. He was educated in Eton, and by that momemt Julia’s som didn’t know exactly whiat he is going to be, but he didn’t want to go on the stage for sure.
 4. How did Tom and Roger get on together?
They get along together pretty good thatns for his age
5. Was Julia as successful in the movies as in the theatre? Did she envy the film-stars?
She tried to develop her career when she was pretty young as a movie star. But in fact she didn’t get much success. Mostly it is connected with her appearance – she was’t a beaty and dodn’t have a perfect face, which is the most important thing in the movies. However, she didn’t envy the film-start because they came and went while she stayed.

 6. Describe in detail how Julia managed to play different characters on the stage. What thrilled her? Why did she sometimes fell like God?
First of all, her talent was a god’s gift, that why her performance was so admirable and considered to be brilliant by almost all critics. She tried not just act by live her character’s life, thus , she is a model of impersonation. She had her own techniques of how to become this or that chatacetr. She tried to play him or her not only during 2 or 3 hours on the stage, but though all day long, talking to people, and so on.
7. How did Julia revenge herself on Tom?
Julia’s decision how to revenge on Tom was  to turn him out bag and baggage

III. Make up a list of words and phrases describing Tom Fennell. Comment on the repetition of "a young man" in the text. First "he was a blushing young man" for Julia. Did her attitude change when she was better aquainted with him? Prove it by giving examples from the text.

• sweet with his blue eyes and pale brown hair
• a white skin and rather a high colour
• lips were soft and there was a perfume of youth about him which was really rather delightful
• There was smth. charming in his clean freshness
• Very commonplace
• Young, fresh and ingenuous
• He was so deceitful

IV. Find in the text epithets and similes which characterize Julia and Michael and say what effect the author achieves by using them.

Sometimes she felt like Go – she feels very powerful

She read his mind like an open book – I think it has negative connotation because it indicated that Jilua was quiet bored with him because he was too predictive with all his doings.

V. What stylistic device did Maugham employ at large to characterize Julia? Illustrate your answer with the examples from the text. Comment on the lexicon used by Julia. To what stylistic layer of the vocabulary does it belong? How does it characterize Julia?

The author uses inner speech and stream of conscious so that the reader can leran Julia’s true feelings towards everything.

VI. Give a summary of chapter 14. (in written form)

As Julia and Tom’s relationships were getting closer and closer, she finally realized and confessed to herself that she fell in love with this young man. They spent all their free tome together, going to the luxurious restaurants and so on. At the same time, Julia understood that her lover couldn’t afford to spend so much money and began to give him expensive gifts and support him financially. Michael, invited Tom to spend their holiday together, with their son, Roger. At first, Julia was happy to be so close to her lover, but later she felt that he preferred Roger to her – because the most important thing two men had in common was their youth. That’s why Julia decided to revenge on Tom, but later, she felt she couldn’t lose him and did her best to make it up.

воскресенье, 6 апреля 2014 г.

Chapters 11-13

TASKS for Chapters 11-13

I. Find the following words and phrases in the text and translate them into Russian:

a profound contempt – глубокое презрение,
to have first nights – давать премьеру,
to be exemplary – быть образцом для подражания,
 a pattern of conjugal fidelity – образец супружеской верности
, to separate – расстаться, разделять,
be ingenuous – быть искреннний,
to cry almost at will - кричать,
common sense – здравый смысл,
to elope with sb. – сбежать с любовником,
preposterous - несообразный,
curtain calls - поклоны,
prudish – не в меру щепетильный, ханжа
, in for a penny – за пенни,
 in for a pound – назвался груздем – полезай в кузов,
this was all a put-up job, - это дело было подстроена, махинацмя
indecent - недостойный,
in a flash – в мгновение ока,
to take liberties with sb. – позволять себе вольности,
a matinee – дневной спектакль,
amiably - добродушно,
well-chosen words – тщательно подобранные слова,
 to have no sequel – не иметь продолжения,
to erase the episode from her memory – вспомнить какой либо момент,
pleasant reveries sauntered through her mind – приятные воспоминания проскальзывали в ее мыслях,
hectic flush – лихорадочный румянец,
to see in the flesh – увидеть на мгновение,
to hurt one's pride – задеть чью либо гордость, самолюбие,
to have an inkling – иметь легкое подозрение,
to pawn – отдавать в залог, закладывать.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. How did Julia and Lord Tamerly get acquainted? Was Julia his mistress? What did Julia owe to Charles Tamerly?
Julia often went to the luncheon parties he was fond of giving at his house in Hill Street. No, she wasn’t. Nevertheless at the same time many people in that particular set were convinced that she was Charles Tamerley's mistress because of their close relationships. Moreover, their “love aggair” was real reason for the Tamerly divorce.

2. Describe Julia's acting when Lord Tamerly declared his love to her. How can you prove that it was only make-believe?
She began to cry with her mouth slightly open and with the look in her eyes of a child. There is no doubt that it was only make-believe because she had already prepared her course of conduct for the declaration which she felt he would sooner or later bring himself to make.

3. Why do you think Julia agreed to have tea with the young man? What was his name? Did Julia know it or not?

It was Tom. His manner of talking to her and style of making invitation shocked her but in pleasant way. For her it was an interesting little adventure. She understand the gap between her and his social status, so it was so called “fine gesture”.

 4. Was the young man as shy as he seemed to be?

At first, his behavior was predictable for her, but then, he turns out to be an absolute different person, not shy at all.

5. How did he show his admiration for Julia?

He had seen her in every play she had acted in since he was twelve years old. He told her that
once when he was fourteen he had stood outside the stage door after a matinee and when she came out had asked her to sign her name in his autograph book.

 6. What feelings did Julia experience after the date with the young man? How did she act after that? How old was Julia at that time? What's your opinion of Julia's behaviour?

It was strange but at the same time funny for her. It was not the first time Julia was unfaithful to her husband, but Tom’s impudence and insistence which caused their intimacy, was undoubtedly new experience to Julia although she was already 46. I can’t justify such behavior and don’t want to.

7. Describe the episode of Julia's adventure on the train to Cannes. What was Julia's attitude towards this accident? Give quotations from the text and comment on them. What do you think of this adventure?

During her trip to Cannes which she made by train, she her acquainted with the man who told her that he was an attaché at the Spanish Embassy in Paris and was going down to Cannes for
Easter. After long conversation, there was intimacy between them. Next morning she couldn’t believe that it had happened with her, however she did care more about the safety of her jewelry rather than about the moral aspect of this night.

8. When did Julia see Tom Fennell again? Under what circumstances?

he couldn’t wait for her call any more and called her himself and ask for one more meeting. Julia agreed and they decided to meet in Julia’s dressing-room bacause she believed that perhaps it was the best thing to get him come.

9. What do you think attracted Julia to Tom? How old was he?

He was about twenty. I think that his modesty, true feelings, youth and his inexperience attracted Julia.

10. Why do you think Tom was interested in grand people?

Because such life was too far and differed much from this he lived.

11. Do you approve or disapprove of Julia's love affair with Tom Fennell?

I completely disapproved it because no matter why, she was unfaithful to her husband and it is disgusting.

III. Make up a list of words and phrases which the author uses to show Julia's attitude towards Tom Fennell. Comment on their semantics and stylistic value.
sweet with his blue eyes and pale brown hair
a white skin and rather a high colour
lips were soft and there was a perfume of youth about him which was really rather delightful
There was smth. charming in his clean freshness
Very commonplace
Young, fresh and ingenuous
He was so deceitful

IV. The author uses a number of theatrical allusions. Find them in the text and say what you know about them. (Consult the Oxford Guide to British and American Culture or any other culture dictionary).
Dame Ellen Terry,  (27 February 1847[1] – 21 July 1928) was an English stage actress who became the leading Shakespearean actress in Britain.
Born into a family of actors, Terry began acting as a child in Shakespeare plays and continued as a teen, in London and on tour. At 16 she married the much-older artist George Frederic Watts, but they separated within a year. She was soon acting again but began a relationship with the architect Edward William Godwin and retired from the stage for six years. She returned to acting in 1874 and was immediately acclaimed for her portrayal of roles in Shakespeare and other classics.
George Farquhar (1677 – 29 April 1707) was an Irish dramatist. He is noted for his contributions to late Restoration comedy, particularly for his plays The Recruiting Officer (1706) and The Beaux' Stratagem (1707).

V. In chapter 11 you can find the following phrase: "... like Venus rising from the waves." What is the source of this allusion? Comment on it and its stylistic effect.

Venus is the Roman goddess whose functions encompassed love, beauty, sex, fertility and prosperity. I think that such allusion is not accidental and this comparison is connected with the recent events, Julia’s love affairs with Tom in particular. So, her life in sexual way reappeared again and as a resut she became a symbol; of love and intimacy as Venus was.

VI. Give a summary of chapters 11-13. (in written form)

Julia got flowers from Tom and wrote thank you letter to him considering him to be one of her fans. Several days later, he called  her and invited to have a cup of tea in his apartment. Shocked by his impudence, but at the same time attracted by Tom’s youth and modesty, Julia accepted. His poor apartment remindes Julia the times when she was in the beginning of her carrier, the times of her youth As a result, something unpredictable happened. Tom turned out to be not so shame as she considered him to be and suddenly kissed her during their conversation. To Julia’s surprise, she had nothing against it and there was intimacy between them. However, while for the young man it as something serious, for Julia it was nothing more that a funny adventure because it was not the first time she was unfaithful to her husband Michael. Nevertheless, they continued their meetings and Julia realized that she had fallen in love with Tom and decided just to enjoy this feeling.

пятница, 28 марта 2014 г.


I. Find the following words and phrases in the text and translate them into Russian:

Placidity – спокойствиебезмятежность
to make frantic scenes – создавать безумные сцены
to give sba look of scorn – посмотреть на кого-либо с презрением
 lavishness- щедростьрасточительность
 to know how to pull strings adroitly – искусно пускать в ход связи
 to fall out of love - разлюбить
close-cropped hair – коротко стриженные волосы
to resist an inclination – еле удержаться
weather-beaten skin – обветренная кожа
coltish grace -  щенячья грация
to be on active service – быть в действующей армии
confinement -  лишение свободы
to run a theatre – руководить театром
effusive - несдержанный
virile air – неуверенный в себе
to set one's mind to smth. – сосредоточиться на чем-либо
disconcerting - замешательство
it's a knock out – выдающийся человек
amiability -  дружелюбие
affable manner- мягкая дружелюбная манера
 to exercise great ingenuity in (doingsmth.- проявлять большую изберательность делая что -  либо
to be unperturbed – быть невозмутимым
shrewdness - проницательность
to grizzle – жаловаться, ворчать
it's a mere commonplace – это просто банально
exorbitant - безмерный
to be conciliatory – быть примирительным
to foster one's career – способствовать продвижению чьей-либо карьеры
acumen - сообразительность
to have one's face lifted – подтянуть кожу лица
it's no good crying over spilt milk – уже нет смысла горевать
to have little flirtations – легко флиртовать
masseuse -  массажистка
gossip column – колонка светской хроники
the world of make-believe – мир фантазий

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What did Michael and Julia do when the war broke out?
Michael enlisted at once, but with the help of his father,
one of whose old brother officers was an important personage at the
War Office, he very soon got a commission. As for Julia, she wanted to become a nurse so that she could go out to France too and at least be on the same soil as he, but he
made her understand that patriotism demanded that she should go on acting.  
2. Why do you think Michael enjoyed the war?
Because he liked to be in the center of everybody’s attention.
3. Do you think love is important for a successful family life?
In my opinion, it takes only the third place after respecr and trust.
4. How did it happen that Julia fell out of love with Michael?
She realized that he no longer smelt like a youth, he smelt like a man
5. How did Michael manage to find the money to rent a theatre? What was the theatre called? Who was in the partnership with him?
Finally the money was found by a rich woman who was interested in Julia. the deed of partnership had been signed between Michael and Dolly. the Siddons
7. What kind of director was Michael?
Michael ran the the-atre with the method and thrift with which he ran his home and made every possible penny out of their successes.
 8. What irritated Julia in Michael more and more? How did he change in Julia's eyes?
He became disgusting for her. She didn’t want to kiss him or hug him. Everything began to irritate her in Michael, especially his vanity and stinginess.
 9. Why was Julia sad when she thought of her married life?
Because now she did’t love Michael at all.
10. Why was Michael happier than he had been before?
Because Michael proved to be very successful director and all plays were very famous among London citizens. Besides, he was able to cope with financial difficulties and find infamous but very talented actors.
11. Julia's dresser and maid was a Cockney, wasn't she? Please prove it using the examples from the text.

Yes, she was.
“It'd only fidget me to 'ave a lot of elephant's tusks in me mouth."

“I'm young enough to dress 'er. And maid 'er”.
 12. Who was the unknown man who sent flowers to Julia? Why did she write him a thank you note?
It was Mr. Thomas Fennell. She was naturally polite and it was, besides, a principle with her to answer all fan letters. That was how she kept in touch with her public.
III. Make up a list of words and phrases describing Michael's appearance and character. Say what you think of him.

·        He had a very good figure
·        He was the best- looking actor on the English stage
·        the thinness of his mouth
·        he had a gallant bearing
·        He had an easy manner and he talked like a gentleman
·        He was good-looking and kindly
·        He was eager to get on
·        His voice was a trifle thin
·        He was easy enough in ordinary dialogue
·        Very simple-minded in some ways
·        He had no fantasy and his ideas were commonplace
·        Honest
·        He devoted anxious care to his figure
·        He was prudent and all he wanted was admiration
·        He was prosy, near with his money, self-complacent

IV. Comment on the phrase from chapter 9: "Roger had been entered for Eton within a week of his birth." Comment on it. Give a short presentation on public schools in Britain.

V. Dramatization. Act out the dialogue between Julia and her maid, Evie (see chapter 10)

VI. Give a summary of chapters 7-10. (in written form)

When the first World War broke out, Michael was sent to the army. The military uniform became him. Julia didn't  want to leave him, but he insisted on her staying in London. He was sure, that Julia shouldnt let people forget her, as an actres. She continued to play and finally she became well known as the best actress of younger generation. Her glory became so strong that it was possible for her to dare to leave the stage for some months and to give birth to a child. Shortly before the war ended she suddenly understood she had fallen in love with Michael.

After 1 World War, they inherited some money from Michael's parents and they decided to set out their own theater. The financial supporter was "the rich old woman" Dolley de Friz who had been the fan of Julias' talent since she was in Jimmy's troupe. Julia adviced Michael to be an administrator in spite of his still playing at the stage, and it turns out to be the best decision.
Remembering the past, Julia felt some kind of sadness for her love died. The only thing she had - was the art and everyday perfomances.

вторник, 11 марта 2014 г.

chapters 3-6

TASKS for Chapters 3-6

I. Explain in English or give definitions of and find contextual synonyms for the following words and phrases:

Asset – advantage – the good characteristic of smb’s chatacter
a sumptuous supper – luxurious supper
extravagance – absurdity – something that sounds or looks strange in a particular sutuation
 thrift - economy
to remonstrate – to be against sm or smth
equanimity – composure – keep calm
at a loose end – without any job, being of not busy
to jeopardize – to take a risk
alacrity – liveliness -  promptness in response
susceptible to – to be under influence of smth
obsequious – being menial
a retainer - retaining fee

II. Find quotations in the text. State their meaning and their function.

“neither a borrower nor a lender be” (Lord Polonius, Hamlet) – it was Michael’s credo and this feature attracted Julia. This quotation means that You should be able to mange on your own and not need to borrow. In the same vein, don't lend to others. They ought to make provision for themselves.

Nemo me impune lacessit . It means No one "cuts" (attacks) me with impunity

I could not love thee half so well, if i loved not honor more ("To Lucasta, Going to the Wars"). In the context of the story it means that there was no sexual relationships between Michael and Julia till they have got married and Michael was proud of it. This fact played important role in his life perception.

III. Explain the metaphor "she is a millstone round his neck." Who does it refer to?

"she is a millstone round his neck" means that there is a responsibility that is difficult to bear and causes you trouble. Michal think that a marriage for a young actor is silly at least and as a result his or her husband or wife will be just “millstone round his neck”.

IV. Comment on the context of the following phrases:

- "He was too modest to resent an unfavourable criticism." (Ch.3)

Such phrase characterizes Michael and his attitude toward both negative and positive reviews. He was never upset with criticism.

- "... after all he was born a gentleman." (Ch.4)

While talking with Julia, Michael’s father expressed his attitude towards his son’s profession. In fact, He didn’t approve of it, nevertheless he considered his son to be a gentleman.

- "He is going to be a flop." (Ch.5)
Jimmie and Julia are talking aboit Michael and his perspective in acting.

- "'I suppose it's beastly of me,' she thought, 'but thank God, thank God.'" (Ch.6)

Julia was happy about Mivhael’s failure in the USA.

V. Dramatize the dialogues between:

- Julia and Michael, as he invites her to his parents' house for Holy Week;

- Julia and Colonel Gusselyn;

- Julia and Michael, as he proposes to her;

- Michael and his father discussing the proposal;

- Julia and Michael after the talk with the American manager;

- Julia and Jimmie Langton.

VI. What techniques are employed by the author to make the reader see the events through Julia's eyes?

Inner speech

VII. Answer the questions:

1. Who was Jimmie Langton and what role did he play in Julia's and Michael's lives?
He was the producer. Julia developed her acting skills as well as Michael became famous with the help of Jimmie Langton.
 2. When did Julia and Michael join the Middlepool Theatre Company?
After the conversation between Julia and Jimmie, she joined the Middlepool theatre.
3. How did Julia and Michael get to know each other?
They were both actors of the Middlepool theatre under the head of the producer Jimmie Langton and they got acquainted during one of the Michael’s repetition where Julia fell in love with him.
4. What did Julia like about Michael?
In spite of the fact that Michael was very handsome, he was not vain and he never enjoyed his appearance.
 4. What did Michael think of good looks and decent families?
He didn’t care of it very much.
5. How did Julia feel about her family?
She didn’t talk much about her family. We just know that her father was a vet.
 6. What were Michael's views on marriage?
Michal think that a marriage for a young actor is silly at least and as a result his or her husband or wife will be just “millstone round his neck”.

7. Why did Michael find Julia extravagant?
She was always there for him, and thenks for her acting skills, she played many roles ntot only in theatre but in life too, and such different “Julias” made Michael considered her to be extravagant. 8. What did Michael read newspaper reviews for? Did Julia share his views?
Michael was too modest to be indignant with negative reviews and he was happy to read positive reviews where his name was mentioned.
9. Who invited Julia to Michael's house for the Holy Week?
Michael’s mother
10. Did Michael's father meet Julia's expectations?
No he didn’t. he was not so strict as he had been described by Michael.
11. What impression did Julia produce on Michael's parents?
They were very pleased by her visit and they really liked her, they thought that Julia perfectly matched their son.
12. Was the proposal expected by Michael's parents?
Yes, it was.
13. What professional offer did Michael receive and who facilitated this?
An American manager, looking for talent and having heard of Jimmie
Langton's repertory company, came to Middlepool and was greatly
taken by Michael. He offered a good part, a boy's part, nine-teen. Eight or ten weeks in New York and then on the road.
14. What steps did Julia take upon finding Michael was leaving for America?
She pretended to be happy for him but in fact when shesat in a great leather armchair willing with all her might the American manager to offer a part that Michael would refuse or a sa-lary that he felt it would be beneath his dignity to accept.
 15. Was Michael a success in America?
No he wasn’t because the manager discovered soon that Michael was very handsome but that was all. He didn’t have talent in acting.
16. Did Julia keep in touch with him while he was away?
He wrote many letters to him which were full of love.
17. Was Julia eager to meet Michael straight at the station?
Yes she was eager to meet Michael as the station.
 18. What were Michael's impressions after staying and working in America?
He was upset but not too much. He believed that his fail was connected with the fact that he was a typical Englishman.
19. What was Michael going to do in England and what were his prospects?
He was going to stay in London and tale Julia with him. And before their departiure, they were going to marry.

VIII. Summarize the events of chapters 3-6.

Meanwhile with the help of Jimmie Langton Julia developed her acting skills as well as Michael became famous in narrow circle. Soon, Julia joined the Middlepool theatre. both  Julia and Michael were actors of the Middlepool theatre under the head of the producer Jimmie Langton and they got acquainted during one of the Michael’s repetition where Julia fell in love with him. Their relationships began to develop but it was obvious that Julia was much more interested in this relationships. She dreamt about marriage but Michael thought that a marriage for a young actor is silly at least and as a result his or her husband or wife will be just “millstone round his neck”. Soon Michael’s mother invited Julia to Michael's house for the Holy Week where he made Julia proposal which she happily accepted. When they had been engaged for rather more than a year an American manager, looking for talent and having heard of Jimmie
Langton's repertory company, came to Middlepool and was greatly
taken by Michael. However, he wasn’t success in America because the manager discovered soon that Michael was very handsome but that was all. He didn’t have talent in acting. Chapter 6 ends with Michaelwas going to stay in London and tale Julia with him. And before their departiure, they were going to marry.